Savel Călinescu, MD

Dr. Savel Călinescu studied medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” in Bucharest. He started practicing yoga while a student, then after graduation he worked at Fundeni Hospital in Bucharest in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department, where he first applied relaxation and creative visualization techniques on patients in preparation for surgery or post-operative recovery.

He worked in Bucharest as a family doctor, then in Paris with addictive patients, at the Centre for care, support and prevention of addiction for alcoholic and cannabis-dependent patients, Versailles Hospital.

He completed medical training courses in Acupuncture, Api-phytotherapy, Sexology, Systemic Therapy, and also studied Ayurveda.

He has been a yoga teacher since 1990. He is currently creating and successfully teaching the course of Practical Beneficial Parapsychology.