Dr. Cristina Cîmpean

Dr. Cristina Cîmpean is a medical doctor, PhD in medical sciences, lecturer in Ayurveda at the National Association for the Promotion of Non-Conventional Medicine in Romania (AMN).

Her concerns in the field of sensitive crystallization analysis began together with Cornel Hoțiu in 1995 in Cluj-Napoca, in a study group of the National Association for the Promotion of Unconventional Medicines in Romania (AMN) and continued between 2006-2017 in the Steaua-Divina laboratories in Bucharest; since 2018 has become a personal research in a doctoral study.

During this period the results of the research on biocrystallization of food, bee products, medicinal plants and mineral waters have been presented at numerous national and international congresses of phytotherapy, ethnopharmacology, apitherapy and ayurveda and published in several journals.