You can find below the main activities of the Congress. The complete programme will be posted daily on the Live page.


WEDNESDAY, June 19th


16:40 – 17:15 Gregorian Bivolaru Essential aspects about consecration
17:21 – 17:39 Nicolae Catrina Welcome Address at the International Yoga Congress 2024
17:57 – 19:12 Gregorian Bivolaru Some basic aspects of the esoteric yogic teaching available to sincere, enthusiastic and persevering aspirants within this school of integral esoteric yoga (archive lecture)
19:20 – 20:15 Ioan Frodelin Roca The Beneficial Transformations and Profoundly Spiritual Benefits of the Long-Lasting, Persevering Practice of the Uddiyana Bandha Technique


20:4821:43 Cristian Bandur Essential Stages in the Process of Spiritual Transformation
21:49 – 22:48 Silvia Ciobanu The Romantic Ideals from the Tantric Perspective and How They Can Support Us in Reaching the State of Godly Unity that Is Full of Wisdom
23:00 – 23:30 Exemplificare spirituală Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Unity, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe

THURSDAY, June 20th


08:45 – 09:20 Gregorian Bivolaru Essential aspects about consecration
09:27 – 10:38 Practice Hatha Yoga
10:40 – 11:37 Elena Angela Roșcan Improvement of Biological and Energetic Parameters through the Practical Techniques and Methods of the Esoteric Tantra Yoga System
11:39 – 12:15 Ana-Maria Pănescu Loss and Grief as Opportunities for Triggering Peak Spiritual States. An Approach Combining Psycho-Emotional Therapy and Spirituality – part 1
12:47 – 13:46 Adriana Luptakova How Do You Want to Touch Me? The 4 Archetypes of Giving
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Presence, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
15:07 – 16:06 Angela Petrescu Yoga Practice Can Bring a Number of Wonderful Synchronicities into Our Daily Lives
16:37 – 17:15 Vasile Calixte Ion The Immense Help that Knowledge of the Fundamental Elements of the Kalachakra Tradition, as well as of the Yoga Tradition, Offers in Deciphering the Esoteric Revelations Contained in the Parables of Jesus Christ

17:19 – 18:07 Ana-Maria Pănescu Loss and Grief as Opportunities for Triggering Peak Spiritual States. An Approach Combining Psycho-Emotional Therapy and Spirituality – part 2
18:19 – 19:26 Gregorian Bivolaru Some basic aspects of the esoteric yogic teaching available to sincere, enthusiastic and persevering aspirants within this school of integral esoteric yoga (archive lecture) – part 2
19:35 – 20:34 Ionel Neagu Put God First in Your Life
20:38 – 21:48 Corina Buhagiar Erotic Amorous Continence in Simple yet Significant Analogies that Unravel Some of Its Mysteries
22:09 – 22:35 Monica Pașcalău Beneficial Effects of the Practice of Bodily Postures (Asana) on Improving Health
23:00 – 23:30 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Infinity, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
23:40 – 00:55 Spiritual exemplification Intense, deep and mysterious communion to enter into a state of occult resonance with the moment of the Summer Solstice



08:45 – 09:20 Gregorian Bivolaru Essential aspects about consecration
09:26 – 09:34 Rainer Trubel Welcome to the International Yoga Day
09:35 – 10:46 Practice Hatha Yoga
10:47 – 11:26 Ofelia Mohr Hatha Yoga Practice for Emotional Balance while Being Seated on a Chair
11:29 – 12:07 Iris Smeets The Heart of Peace-Building
12:37 – 13:47 Ion Marin Glands and Subtle Force Centres
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Essence, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
15:06 – 15:44 Cristina Beșliu Structura informațională a funcționării organismului uman
15:47 – 16:39 Camelia Marin Recenzia cărții lui Massimo Introvigne „Erotismul sacru: Tantra și Eros în Mișcarea pentru Integrare Spirituală în Absolut (MISA)”


16:44 – 17:51 Gregorian Bivolaru Some basic aspects of the esoteric yogic teaching available to sincere, enthusiastic and persevering aspirants within this school of integral esoteric yoga – 3rd part (archive lecture)
18:00 – 18:21 Elisabeta Bugu Exploration of the Necessary Stages in Yoga Practice that Aim at the Attainment of Feminine Erotic Completeness through Erotic Amorous Continence
18:29 – 19:38 Gregorian Bivolaru Nude Yoga or, in other words, yoga which is practiced while being nude – 1st part (archive lecture)
19:39 – 20:21 Aida Călin An Essential Spiritual Approach that Is Specific to the Tantra Yoga Tradition of the Erotic Amorous Experiences of a Loving and Unitary Couple
20:40 – 21:38 Răzvan Rotaru The Concept of Prāyaścitta, Compensating the Karma of Suffering in Indian Civilisation, and Specific Methods Practiced in the South Indian Tradition of Shivaism
22:00 – 22:54 Radu Nichitescu The Deconditioning of Consciousness – a Fundamental Goal of Spiritual Practices
23:00 – 23:30 Exemplificare spirituală Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Consciousness, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
23:37 – 02:37 Film Fundamental, illuminating revelations about the state of wonderful nakedness and its complex meanings – part 1

SATURDAY, June 22nd


08:45 – 09:20 Gregorian Bivolaru Essential aspects about consecration
09:26 – 10:37 Practice Hatha Yoga
10:38 – 11:32 Vasile Calixte Ion Esoteric Considerations on the Principles of Yama and Niyamaa
12:07 – 13:42 Laetitia Fontana The Secret Joy of Tantric Art: Alchemical Living in the Spirit of Truth and the Absolute
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Intelligence, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
15:11 – 16:12 Cristian Dobre The Art of Conscious Sleep
16:25 – 16:59 Foca Ofer Yariv Religiously Erotic


17:09 – 18:30 Gregorian Bivolaru Maintaining the unaltered state of spirit that is typical of a beginner in yoga practice – 1st part (archive lecture)
18:38 – 19:28 Benedict Newton The Path of Awakening the Soul from a Yoga and Astrological Perspective
19:38 – 20:07 Aldolinor Teodorescu The Principle of Proximity
20:37 – 21:54 Nicolae Catrina Essential traditional revelations about the beneficial, deep and long-lasting spiritual transformation that occurs through proper, persistent and enthusiastic implementation of multi-millennial yoga practice
22:30 – 23:00 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Expansion, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
23:10 – 00:19 Gregorian Bivolaru Nude Yoga or, in other words, yoga which is practiced while being nude – 2nd part (archive lecture)
00:21 – 03:21 Film Fundamental, illuminating revelations about the state of wonderful nakedness and its complex meanings – part 2

SUNDAY, June 23rd


08:45 – 09:20 Gregorian Bivolaru Essential aspects about consecration
09:26 – 10:37 Practie Hatha Yoga
10:38 – 11:06 Liviu Alexandriu Tachyon Energy in Spiritual Practice, Procedures of Communion with Godly Attributes
11:35 – 12:08 Bhogananda Colombo Faith, detachment and gratitude: the three subtle sublime energies that bring us closer to God and amplify our state of happiness
12:16 – 13:21 Simona Popescu Legendary Esoteric Tantric Initiations – Spiritual Springboards towards the Very Accelerated Deepening of Erotic Love which Leads Us to the Communion with God
14:00 – 14:30 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Contemplation, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe


15:06 – 16:44 Octav Fercheluc The Mathematical Formula of Accelerated Spiritual Evolution through the Help Offered by God through Godly Attributes
17:24 – 18:11 Savel Călinescu Fundamental Elements of Therapy through Yoga in Order to Have and to Maintain an Excellent State of Health, an Essential Condition for Achieving Full Success on the Spiritual Path
18:13 – 18:43 Uriel Yariv The Mantra of Inner Revolution
19:01 – 21:04 Gregorian Bivolaru Maintaining the unaltered state of spirit that is typical of a beginner in yoga practice – 2nd part (archive lecture)
21:15 – 22:22 Zoe Dafinescu Sublimation – the Accessible and Miraculous Key of Transformation
22:30 – 23:00 Spiritual exemplification Intense, plenary, profound, continuous communion with the subtle, sublime, endless, eternal, free energy of the Godly Attribute of Godly Eternity, which we attract abundantly in our inner universe
23:07 – 02:07 Film Fundamental, illuminating revelations about the state of wonderful nakedness and its complex meanings – part 3