Nicolae Catrina (Adinathananda) is a spiritual teacher with more than 35 years of experience. He gives workshops in many different countries, such as Germany, Italy, France, England, Belgium, Hungary, Czech Republic, Greece, Thailand etc. More than 20 years ago he started teaching the only course of Kashmir Shaivism existing outside of India, for which he wrote hundreds of lessons and which offers, in a unique way, adapted to the western mind-frame, the richness and depth of this spiritual tradition.

He created several other courses, among which Yoga of Beauty (or the attainment of spiritual enlightenment through aesthetic experience), Esoteric I-Ching, Enneagram, Tantric Alchemy and Tibetan Tantric Yoga. He is the author of several books on Shaivism, Yoga, Tantra Yoga, spiritual art, etc. and has translated a number of important Sanskrit texts, including the Saundarya Lahari, Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita, Shiva Sutras, Spanda Karikas and Vijnana Bhairava Tantra.

More information on nicolaecatrina.com/en/

He will speak about Essential traditional revelations about the beneficial, deep and long-lasting spiritual transformation that occurs through proper, persistent and enthusiastic implementation of multi-millennial yoga practice.



For more than 50 years, Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru has been working tirelessly to guide all those who aspire to discover and know God. Throughout this time, he has disturbed some with his revelations and actions, has inspired others, and has never ceased to guide those who thirst for spirituality, who have carefully and persistently put his teachings into practice, on the path to perfection, with great modesty and a permanent state of godly channel.

Many of the revelations he made in the MISA School of Integral Esoteric Yoga – the most important of which is the Law of Occult Resonance – are unique on this planet and enable persevering aspirants to achieve extraordinary efficiency in spiritual practice and attain peak spiritual realizations.

He has authored or co-authored over 100 books that offer an integrative perspective and guide us towards a holistic view of the human being and a life directed towards perfection.

The following archive lectures will be replayed at this congress:
Some basic aspects of the esoteric yogic teaching available to sincere, enthusiastic and persevering aspirants within this school of integral esoteric yoga,
Maintaining the unaltered state of spirit that is typical of a beginner in yoga practice,
Nude Yoga or, in other words, yoga which is practiced while being nude.



Octav Fercheluc graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania, where he also obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics. He attended and completed specialized studies at several universities in Sweden, Italy and Spain. He has worked as a research scientist in applied sciences, as a professor of probability, statistics and operations research at several universities in Romania. He has published numerous scientific articles in various prestigious journals worldwide.

He has been a practitioner of the yoga system since his student years and is currently a teacher of integral yoga, traditional tantra, meditation, and a lecturer of ayurveda. Fascinated by the practical results of combining science and spirituality, he has turned his life into a “spiritual science experiment”, applying, testing and verifying the effectiveness of yoga practice in transforming the human being at the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual levels. His unique approach to spirituality, in a lively, practical and accessible way, deeply rooted in current scientific knowledge, continues and expands the spirit of traditional yoga teaching in Latin America.

For more than 12 years he has been the founder and coordinator of the Ananda Traditional Yoga Academy of Uruguay, based in Montevideo. He is the initiator and coordinator of a community yoga project, which has been very successfully integrated into the academic and social environment of Uruguay. In the framework of this community yoga project, he has organised several editions of the Scientific Yoga Symposium, bringing together yoga teachers and instructors from Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, etc. He has carried out highly successful projects on the role of yoga practice in reducing social crime, the results of which have been the subject of several articles he has subsequently published. He has produced and continues to produce several radio programmes on yoga and spirituality in Uruguay and Argentina.

More information on yogauy.net/

He will present a lecture that is entitled The Mathematical Formula of Accelerated Spiritual Evolution through the Help Offered by God through Godly Attributes.



Radu Nichitescu showed an early interest in spirituality and religion, which he had the opportunity to study at academic level, having a master’s degree in religious studies. His main area of interest was the study of mystical experiences, and he was sure he would pursue an academic career and become a teacher.

However, following a profound epiphany, he realised that spiritual experiences have greater value when approached practically rather than academically. Since then, he has turned almost exclusively to the practice of yoga and Esoteric Tantra Yoga, and meditates daily.

Radu has been a yoga teacher for 11 years at Mahasiddha Yoga in Thailand, where he teaches classes, holds workshops and spiritual retreats. He has an active spiritual life, practising yoga for over 16 years.

For more information, visit tantrayogathailand.com/.

He will present a lecture on The Deconditioning of Consciousness – a Fundamental Goal of Spiritual Practices.



Benedict Newton is a practitioner and teacher of yoga, Tantra Yoga, Kashmir Shaivism and astrology for over 20 years. With a university education in IT and a deep interest in human psychology, philosophy, theosophy, asterism, the mystical path and mysteries of the world, he combines his practices and studies in the spiritual dimension with a practical approach of their application in the contemporary world.

His spiritual journey has been a progressive deepening into the path of self-knowledge through direct observation of the impact and effects that a regular spiritual practice has on our daily lives and how it leads to a gradual awakening of the soul. His personal experiences enliven his aspirations to share the knowledge and experience of his journey with others and to encourage them to take their own steps on this path of spiritual awakening.

For more informations: astrosacru.com

He will present a lecture on The Path of Awakening the Soul from a Yoga and Astrological Perspective



Savel Călinescu studied medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” in Bucharest. He started practicing yoga while a student, then after graduation he worked at Fundeni Hospital in Bucharest in the Cardiovascular Surgery Department, where he first applied relaxation and creative visualization techniques on patients in preparation for surgery or post-operative recovery.

He worked in Bucharest as a family doctor, then in Paris with addictive patients, at the Centre for care, support and prevention of addiction for alcoholic and cannabis-dependent patients, Versailles Hospital.

He completed medical training courses in Acupuncture, Api-phytotherapy, Sexology, Systemic Therapy, and also studied Ayurveda. He has succesfully developed and taught the course of Practical Beneficial Parapsychology. He has been a yoga teacher since 1990.

He will speak about Fundamental Elements of Therapy through Yoga in Order to Have and to Maintain an Excellent State of Health, an Essential Condition for Achieving Full Success on the Spiritual Path.



Aldolinor Teodorescu graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology at the Politehnica University of Bucharest and then attended master’s and doctoral school. He holds a PhD in electronics and his concern for science has always been coupled with a passion for spirituality.

He has been a yoga teacher in the Movement of Spiritual Integration into the Absolute for 25 years, and combining yoga practice with everyday life has been a constant concern and challenge for him. His research has led him to believe that there is a common denominator for all the higher pursuits of the human being – science, art, pure spirituality – and that their proper harnessing answers our fundamental questions and aspirations.

He will present a lecture on The Principle of Proximity.



Foca Yariv, born in Jerusalem, Israel, had a keen thirst for spiritual knowledge from early age. He started practising yoga and Tantra Yoga at the age of 17 (in 2001), and since then he has devoted himself to the spiritual journey. He has been teaching yoga and Tantra Yoga since 2009 in various places around the globe.

Since 2011, he has been living in the UK, teaching yoga and Tantra Yoga and offering various workshops on a wide range of topics, from the purpose of life and the art of dying to workshops on masculinity, Kama Sutra and eroticism. He teaches in London and Cambridge, and is guiding men’s groups.

For more informations: tarayogacentre.co.uk/

He will present a lecture entitled Religiously Erotic.



Aida Călin is a psychotherapist, trainer, transformational coach, author, Yoga and Tantra Yoga teacher. Since 2004, she has been founder and director of Venus – The Association for the Elevation of Women.

As a psychotherapist, she has studied women’s issues and all related fields (personal development, emotional and spiritual intelligence, relationships). She holds conferences and courses for women and couples. She has developed several programs aimed at rediscovering balance and happiness, integrating intimacy into personal harmony and accessing and awakening sensuality.

She is an experienced facilitator and coordinates spiritual camps, retreats and workshops around the world, on various spiritual topics. She is the author of two well-received books: ‘Reincarnation – a Mystery Revealed’ (2000) and ‘Yoga for Women Who Want To Be Healthy, Harmonious, Intelligent and Happy’ (2014).

Aida’s passion is to help people discover the light within, understand their challenges, improve their performance in all areas of life and regain their happiness and fulfillment. She believes in the inner strength that sustains us to transform spiritually and reach the full potential of our being. She believes that love and compassion can transform us and make our world a much better place.

For more information, you can visit aidacalin.com

She will present a lecture on An Essential Spiritual Approach Specific to the Tantra Yoga Tradition to the Erotic Amorous Experiences of a Loving and United Couple.



Elena Angela Roșcan is an expert psychologist, supervisor, psychotherapist, Esoteric Tantra Yoga teacher, with over 20 years of experience in the service of the human soul in the Anima Essence personal psychology facility in Iasi and at the Victoria Hospital Oncology Clinic.

For over 10 years, she has been practising Tantra Yoga within the Atman International Federation of Yoga and Meditation, which has brought authentic ancient tantric teachings to the West, which are however so appropriate to the needs of modern man.

Elena Angela aims to combine ancient spiritual teachings with those assimilated during her training as a psychologist and psychotherapist. She is fascinated by everything related to the investigation of consciousness, the increase of awareness abilities, the expansion of consciousness.

She will present a lecture on The improvement of Biological and Energetic Parameters of the human being through the Practical Techniques and Methods of the Esoteric Tantra Yoga System.



Răzvan Rotaru is a practitioner who has deepend the ancient traditional Indian science of yoga, being a yoga teacher in Romania, with over 30 years of experience in the study and research of various branches of the complex system of Eastern spirituality.

With a background in  engineering, he gave up a successful managerial career in a multinational company to devote himself entirely to the practice and study of spirituality. He has studied and practiced in several fields related to spirituality such as astrology, enneagram, alchemy, Yumeiho (Japanese osteopraxy), transgenerational psychology, structuring a broad, complex vision that has resulted in a deep validation and understanding of the links between traditional Eastern spirituality and modern science.

He has chosen to share from this experience in several workshops, conferences, radio shows especially on the topics of yoga, Tantra Yoga, masculinity and traditional Eastern spirituality.

He will speak about The Concept of Prāyaścitta, Compensating the Karma of Suffering in Indian Civilisation, and Specific Methods Practiced in the South Indian Tradition of Shivaism.



Uriel Yariv is certified Tantra and Yoga teacher in the Atman Federation, and with great enthusiasm has devoted the past 20 years to the path of Tantra Yoga. Uriel cofounded Mahasiddha Yoga and the Integral Yoga Center Amrita. He has a Master’s Degree in clinical psychology and has written many articles about spirituality and psychology.

He has spent more than 2 years in silent retreats passionately practising profound yogic meditation and other yoga techniques. He has a 23 year experience in Laya Yoga. Uriel shares his love of spirituality, profound yogic meditation, yoga and Tantra Yoga in a clear and tangible way, and is an inspiration to many around him.

He will present a lecture on The Mantra of Inner Revolution.



Ofelia Mohr was born in Romania and moved to the US in April 2004. She has been practising yoga and meditation since 1990. She is a certified yoga teacher with the Atman International Federation of Yoga and Meditation, and also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from Transylvania University in Romania, as well as a Health Coach certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York.

She is currently a yoga teacher at the Yoga Academy in the USA, teaching yoga, meditation and healthy lifestyle classes in Des Moines, Iowa, USA.

Pentru mai multe informaţii puteţi consulta  usyoga.net  sau  OfeliaMohr.com.

She will present a lecture on Hatha Yoga Practice for Emotional Balance while Being Seated on a Chair.



Monica Pașcalău is physician, yoga and Tantra Yoga teacher.

She had her first contact with the world of spirituality during high school, when she discovered a yoga book in a classmate’s library. It was an extraordinarily fascinating world for her, which she had only glimpsed at the time. She found the idea of always being harmonious and balanced, with a perfectly peaceful mind, just being in a certain body posture (asana), or breathing in a controlled way (pranayama) extremely exciting.

During her studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Cluj, she discovered the courses of traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda organized by AMN Romania, and after only a few months she started to practice yoga intensively at the courses organized by MISA Romania. Later she also started studying Kashmirian Shaivism, and 12 years ago she completed the Tantra Yoga teacher training modules organized by the Atman Federation.

She will speak about the Beneficial Effects of the Practice of Bodily Postures (Asana) on Improving Health.



Liviu Alexandriu has been practising yoga for over 35 years and has been a yoga instructor for 30 years.

He has studied traditional Ajurvedic medicine for 4 years. In Romania, he organized a series of seminars of the American researcher and inventor David Wagner, who discovered the process of tahionization of materials, producing several devices that focus and direct Tachyon Energy.

He has worked in the field of industrial electronics, which has helped him understand processes of occult resonance and the phenomena underlying quantum physics.

He will present a lecture on Tachyon Energy in Spiritual Practice, Procedures of Communion with Godly Attributes.



Kalas Ananda is passionate about the journey of self-discovery through the study and conscious practice of Integral Esoteric Yoga, Esoteric Tantra Yoga and meditation. From a young age, she has been fascinated with finding out what the essence and purpose of being alive is, as well as with how she can learn, grow and evolve, embodying her full potential in all areas of life.

For the last 7 years, she has been applying authentic yoga methods into her daily life, manifesting a fiery enthusiasm and intense curiosity which characterise her, and attentively validating its results. Having a very accessible `down-to-earth` approach, while keeping the integrity of esoteric teachings, Kalas is teaching weekly classes of Esoteric Tantra Yoga in Lisbon, Portugal, and is sharing her own direct experience through events, workshops, mini-courses and retreats, around the world.

For more informations: natha.pt/

She will present a lecture that is entitled How Can Yoga Improve the Depth and Quality of Our Couple Relationship?.



Cristina Beșliu has a thorough training in the pharmaceutical field, having graduated from the Iasi Health High School, the Post-secondary Health School (the Laboratory section), the Faculty of Pharmacy UMF Iasi, as well as from numerous training courses in this field.

She has 28 years of experience in the pharmaceutical field and 10 years in teaching. She teaches specialized modules in post-secondary education, such as Pharmaceutical Botany, General Pharmacognosy, Special Pharmacognosy, Phytotherapy, Apitherapy, General Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacotoxicology, and participates as a guest on local TV shows in Iasi.

She has completed and enriched her knowledge in the pharmaceutical field by attending Ayurveda courses organized by the National Association for the Promotion of Non-Conventional Medicines (AMN). 

She will present a lecture on The Informational Structure of the Functioning of the Human Organism.



For Laetitia Fontana, the spiritual journey has begun in the same moment her life has. She was fortunate enough to be born not only in a country with deep spiritual roots, but also into a family that was active in spiritual search and practice.

She grew up in a general atmosphere of aspiration towards transformation and towards becoming better, being in touch with the deeper meaning of everything in life, being always thirsty for Truth, being creative in being happy and in making others happy. This thirst for Truth and its overwhelming beauty was instilled in her heart in many ways. One of the most important was accessing the power of synthesis, of a perspective that is capable of penetrating to the essence, in whatever form it may be expressed.

She was raised in a Christian family. She began practising yoga at age 6, and continues to this day. She also began the study and practice of Tantra Yoga in her teenage years, which is still a great alchemical adventure of her soul.

She was educated in various forms of art, languages and sports as a child and teenager, then moved on to study psychology. Each of these – to a greater or smaller extent – is still part of her heart and daily life. All this has enriched her with a certain knowledge, experience, vision, but most of all with the ability to feel profound meaning, to manifest beauty and to live in the spirit of Truth through almost everything she does. Thus, she has found her destiny in sharing this treasure with all who seek it.

She will present a lecture that is entitled The Secret Joy of Tantric Art: Alchemical Living in the Spirit of Truth and the Absolute.



Cristian Bandur is a graduate in economics, has been a yoga practitioner for almost 30 years, and a yoga teacher for 27 years. He has studied and taught Ayurveda.

He is interested in all that authentic spirituality is, found both in ancient traditions and in modern fields of frontier sciences.

Cristian has discovered in yoga a spiritual science with the most appropriate theoretical and above all practical ways to improve the quality of life in general, through awareness, understanding, transformation. He promotes traditional yogic values adapted to modern lifestyles.

He will present a lecture on Essential Steps in the Process of Spiritual Transformation.



Elisabeta Bugu discovered existential questions at an early age, when she entered the yogic path. The suspension of menstruation as a form of full feminine continence has always engaged her attention.

Exploring various yogic and tantric methods, she was able to make progress on this path, and in her presentation she intends to describe the most effective procedures that have helped her in attaining feminine erotic completeness through erotic amorous continence.

She will present a lecture on Exploring the Necessary Stages in Yoga Practice that Aim at Attaining Feminine Erotic Completeness through Erotic Amorous Continence.



Corina Buhagiar has been practicing yoga within the MISA yoga school for over 30 years. She has been teaching yoga for 12 years.

She has worked in state education as a teacher of mathematics, but also in the media, writing for women’s magazines. Spirituality in general and yoga in particular have been and remain her lifelong passion and concern.

She will present a lecture on Erotic Amorous Continence in Simple yet Meaningful Analogies that Unravel Some of Its Mysteries.



Having graduated from Petroșani University, Romania, in 1995, became a yoga instructor in 1993. He came into contact with the first notions of yoga at the age of 12, through the book ”Yoga for All”, written by Nicolae Constantin Tufoi.

He practised certain yoga techniques in solitude during the Communist regime, as not many sources of documentation existed at the time. He really discovered yoga, however, and began his true spiritual practice with the opening of the MISA Esoteric Yoga School in Romania.

He will present a lecture on Esoteric Considerations on the Principles of Yama and Niyama and The Immense Help that Knowledge of the Fundamental Elements of the Kalachakra Tradition, as well as of the Yoga Tradition, Offers in Deciphering the Esoteric Revelations Contained in the Parables of Jesus Christ.



Being inspired by her mother, Silvia Ciobanu started attending yoga classes when she was 10 years old, and has never stopped since. Now she is a yoga teacher, an artistic performer and a dance teacher, with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in the Theory and History of Art. She coordinates esoteric tantric groups for women and teaches courses and workshops of conscious dance and sacred dance. She is the co-creator of the Kamarasi Dance modules, through which she explores both the archetypes of the feminine soul, as well as various godly virtues.

Silvia has a great passion for sacred tantric eroticism and has dedicated an important part of her life to studying, living and unveiling the mysteries of the tantric typology of women described in many traditional Oriental texts as Dombi: pure, sensual, totally uninhibited women who can discover God through sacred erotic experiences. This is a unique subject today, on which she has held lectures several times throughout the last 12 years.

For more informations: sylviedakini.com

She will present a lecture that is entitled The Romantic Ideals from the Tantric Perspective and How They Can Support Us in Reaching the State of Godly Unity that Is Full of Wisdom.



Zoe Dafinescu is a specialist in communication and public relations (PR). She has been practising yoga and Tantra Yoga for more than 20 years and is a graduate of the Atman Federation’s Integral Esoteric Yoga Teachers Course.

She has always sought to express the ideals of her soul through actions that are full of self-giving and which bring her closer to God.

She will present a lecture on Sublimation – the Accessible and Miraculous Key of Transformation.



Cristian Dobre is a yoga teacher and engineer at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, in the Faculty of Energetics.

Since 1990, he has been studying Oriental philosophy, frontier sciences and practising yoga. Since 1993, he is also a yoga teacher. Since 2015, he has been engaged in a practical study of consciousness, in particular transformed states of consciousness correlated with brain waves.

He has held practical courses on ”Knowledge and Control of Brain Waves”, for awakening supramental consciousness (”Dharana – Perfect Concentration”) and for its use in everyday life and spiritual practice (”Practical Course on Creative Visualization”).

He will present a lecture on The Art of Conscious Sleep.



Adriana Luptakova has been a dedicated Tantra Yoga practitioner since 2010. She began teaching Tantra Yoga and facilitating workshops in 2016. She is a massage therapist since 2011.

Her professional development ranges from ITEC level 4 Sports Massage training – that is based on a meticulous training in anatomy and physiology, supported by rigorous case studies of clients with sports injuries, massaging marathon runners etc – to heart-based integral understanding as masseuse in Denmark.

The latter provided the much wished-for symbiosis of high quality massage with the awareness of the human being’s integrality. She has offered consultancy and has successfully answered in the face of a large range of challenges in her case studies, such as: premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, adult virgin difficulties, emotional distress following the end of a relationship, andropause, widowhood. She is passionate about sharing experience and fostering self-discovery processes.

She will present a lecture on How Do You Want to Touch Me? – 4 Archetypes of Giving.



Camelia Marin has a background in biotechnology and genetic engineering. Camelia has chosen the spiritual path since high school, seeking to understand the deeper meaning of life. Since October 2012, she has also chosen to advocate for Human Rights, to do research and to take concrete action in the social, judicial and political fields on cases of human rights violations in spiritual practice.

Camelia has been active in the field of Human Rights at various seminars, conferences and round table events organised at The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), the European Parliament, the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) and other forums, to launch dialogue on issues that link spirituality to many aspects of modern life and also to promote the integration of spiritual principles into future decisions.

She has been a yoga and Tantra yoga instructor for more than 17 years.

She will present a Review of Massimo Introvigne’s book `Sacred Eroticism: Tantra and Eros in the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute`.



Ion Marin is a yoga instructor and a System Engineer in the IT field. He has over 35 years of experience in yoga practice and over 25 years as a yoga instructor. At the age of 18, he discovered yoga in a book and started practising the asanas and pranayama procedures presented in it. At the age of 20, he joined the classes of MISA Yoga School to deepen this spiritual path. He was then able to heal some of his ailments and illnesses through the practice of yoga. He is now 55 years old and a healthy man.

He began studying Ayurveda in parallel, and over the years has won several prizes and mentions in various both yoga and Ayurveda competitions.

At the age of 30, he became a yoga instructor, and at 32 he started his activity as an Ayurveda lecturer for A.M.N. Romania. At the age of 27, he made his first contact with Kashmir Shaivism Tantra, and has since then pursued this path of spiritual evolution. He attended the intensive training courses for Tantra Yoga instructors of the Atman International Federation, being presented with a Tantra Yoga instructor diploma. He has taught Tantra Yoga for 2 years.

His spiritual practice has led him to acquire the ability to transform his inner states at will, starting from a lower level to higher and higher – ecstatic – levels. He confesses that this is easily possible for him, especially if he systematically carries out the techniques and methods which he has assimilated over the years in the courses he has attended so far in this MISA Yoga School, and which he wishes to continue attending.

He is currently seeking to understand the links between the discoveries made in various modern scientific branches and the revelations that have been made over the years on certain authentic spiritual paths, among which yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra Yoga have a central place.

He will present a lecture on Glands and Subtle Force Centres.



Ionel Neagu has been practising yoga for 30 years and Tantra Yoga for 15 years. He has been a yoga teacher for 25 years and an Tantra Yoga teacher for 5 years. He has coordinated Tantra Yoga courses for men and taught Kashmirian Shaivism.

He holds lectures, workshops and webinars in Tantra Yoga on various topics. He has facilitated several spiritual weekends on fundamental themes of the Tantric, Yogic and Christian traditions.

He will present a lecture about how to Put God First in Your Life.



Ana-Maria Pănescu is a psychotherapist and yoga teacher. She has graduated from the University of Bucharest and has a personal psychology practice.

She has always considered herself an explorer, being fascinated by the field of higher states of consciousness and their remarkable therapeutic and transformative potential. She has studied anthropology, particularly how people construct their relationship with the divine (the Beneficial Godly Being) in ancient and pre-industrial cultures.

She will present a lecture on Loss and Grief as Opportunities for Triggering Peak Spiritual States. An Approach Combining Psycho-Emotional Therapy and Spirituality.



Angela Petrescu has a scientific background and aims to deepen the connections between science and spirituality. She has been practising yoga for 35 years and has been a yoga instructor for 32 years.

She is passionate about the philosophical system of Kashmiri Shaivism, has integrated the practice of profound yogic meditation (dhyana) into her life and feels remarkable effects.

She has been a Shaivism lecturer for 12 years. She is concerned with the broad field of synchronicities and how they can arise in spiritual practice that is carried out perseveringly, systematically and enthusiastically.

She will present a lecture on Yoga Practice Can Bring a Number of Wonderful Synchronicities into Our Daily Lives.



Simona Popescu is a yoga and Tantra Yoga teacher, a medical doctor with a background in acupuncture. She has a Master’s degree in Couples and Family Counselling, competence in psychosexology.

She has been practising yoga and Tantra Yoga since she was a teenager. She shares her experience in workshops, lectures, seminars, radio and TV shows. She is mostly interested in topics related to yoga, Tantra Yoga, eroticism, femininity, spirituality.

She will present a lecture on Legendary Esoteric Tantric Initiations – Spiritual Springboards towards the Very Accelerated Deepening of Erotic Love which Leads Us to the Communion with God.



Frodelin-Ioan Roca managesf a construction and interior design company. He has been practising yoga for about 32 years and is a yoga teacher at MISA Yoga School.

In addition to this yoga discipline, he has also studied and even deepened Kashmirian Shaivism, Ayurveda, Indian Natural Medicine, Tantric Alchemy, Enneagram, which helped him to develop a holistic perspective on life and the human being in general. It was, however, the practice of the various branches of the Yoga System that have given him the most satisfying and comprehensive answers to the fundamental questions of life.

He will present a lecture on The Beneficial Transformations and Profoundly Spiritual Benefits of the Long-Lasting, Persevering Practice of the Uddiyana Bandha Technique.



Iris Smeets is a Dutch 32 year old enthusiastic and passionate yoga and Tantra Yoga teacher in Aarhus, Denmark. She has an academic background in Philosophy and in Peace and Conflict Studies, and has a M.Sc. in Global Studies.

After working in the field of Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in trauma centres around the world, her love for healing, unity, intimacy and genuine spirituality found their fulfillment in her job as a tantric massage therapist. For the last 7 years, she has worked at Natha Yoga Centre in Aarhus, teaching courses, classes and workshops in Tantra Yoga, massage, yoga for singles, couples and dance empowerment courses for women.

For more informations: natha.dk/

She will present a lecture about The Heart of Peace-Building.



For almost 10 years, Bhogananda searches for God in everything she does in life. It was when she started to practice Yoga and Tantra Yoga that her life transformed immensely, and she realized that spirituality and the process of continuous transformation based in ancient traditions would be her path in this life.

Over the years she studied the Tibetan tantric tradition, Kalachakra system, Kashmir Shaivism and the Mahasiddha Yoga tradition. Her spiritual aspiration and aspiration to merge with God amplified while she developed her yoga practice, having significant results and giving the impulse to go deeper in her knowledge in several areas of spirituality.

Nowadays she teaches yoga, coordinates women’s groups and gives retreats and workshops in several countries, aiming to spread spiritual knowledge and to share her experiences with those who wish to open their souls towards God and give a step in their spiritual awakening. For more information: bhogananda.com

He will present a lecture on Faith, detachment and gratitude: the three subtle sublime energies that bring us closer to God and amplify our state of happiness.



Rainer Trubel is certified yoga and Tantra Yoga teacher in the Atman Federation, and has started his practice 30 years ago with growing enthusiasm. He has been teaching in Germany, Denmark, India and Mexico. Since several years he is actively involved in the administration of Atman – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation as well as the teacher training programme.

Rainer has a master degree in architecture and has designed yoga and retreat centres in Denmark and Iceland. His enthusiasm and love of spirituality, meditation, yoga and Tantra Yoga in a clear and tangible way, and is an inspiration to many around him.

On behalf of the Atman Federation Council, he will welcome participants to International Yoga Day.