International Yoga Congress 2024


The unsuspected depth of the yoga system

Answers to life's fundamental questions

Simple, fast and effective ways to accelerate spiritual growth

The courage to investigate the depth of the inner world

Modern science meets authentic spirituality

Practical exploration of the potential of consciousness

Answers to life's fundamental questions

Profound truths that will transform your perspective on life








You can find out the answers to these questions and more by attending the 8th International Congress of Yoga and Eastern and Western Therapies, online, free of charge


About the Congress

International yoga teachers, spiritual seekers and scientists of various disciplines come together to highlight the amazing interconnections between science and authentic spirituality, and to share with us the results of decades of study and practice. Traditional yoga and objective science can bring about a true revolution in consciousness.


Congress Objectives

Unifying the discoveries of scientific research with the results of spiritual practice, contemporary knowledge with ancient wisdom, experimental science with experienced mysticism, the Congress aims to reveal the unsuspected depth of the yoga system and its systematic approach and significance for the holistic development of man and his consciousness.


Why attend?

As a unique borderline place, the Congress welcomes specialists in medicine, physics, psychology, natural and human sciences, who – being themselves long-term yoga practitioners – were courageous enough to also investigate their inner worlds. They have unified science and yoga within and share their rich experience and valuable expertise with all who are interested.








We gladly invite you to participate in the 8th edition of the Congress for Yoga and Eastern and Western Alternative Therapies, which will be held online.

Our aim is to discuss a series of topics that will arouse the interest of both beginners and advanced yoga practitioners; to dispel some of the misunderstandings that have created an artificial gap between science and spirituality; to answer some of your questions and at the same time to challenge you to ask deeper ones; to allow you to accumulate knowledge, but also to live new experiences.

The programme of the five-day congress has been designed to allow everyone to benefit as much as possible from participating online, and thus compensate for the shortcomings of a “virtual” meeting. In addition to the lecture sessions, the programme will include daily spiritual exemplifications and original artistic moments. In addition, you will have access to the lectures for another 48 hours. Being an international congress, all presentations in Romanian will be translated into English, and those in English will be translated into Romanian.

We invite you to ask questions in writing, using the e-mail address at the bottom of the page, about the topics discussed or to share your experiences or insights from these days spent together.

On June 21st we will celebrate the International Yoga Day, with a programme including the spiritual communion with the special moment of Summer Solstice.

Last but not least, participation in this congress is completely free, you just need to register with an e-mail address.

We look forward to welcoming you on this true adventure of consciousness!