Dr. Jean Marie A.T. Beuckels, DO (doctor of osteopathy)

Dr. Jean Marie A.T. Beuckels, DO started his osteopathic journey 30 years ago and studied at different osteopathic institutes in Europe, where he received different DO-degrees in osteopathy. After completing his BSc in Osteopathic Medicine at University of Westminster and his MSc in Osteopathy at University of Greenwich, Jean Marie obtained a doctorate in medical science through the department of osteopathic medicine at the Witten/Herdecke University in Germany.

Currently Jean Marie works as an osteopathic practitioner in Belgium. He teaches as Head of Department of osteopathic Medicine clinical osteopathy to medical students of the Faculty of Health at the Witten/Herdecke University and is appointed as senior docent at the HS-Fresenius, University of Applied Science in Idstein (Germany), where he teaches the full-time students in a Bachelor-Masters programme for osteopathy.

Next to his strong fascination for pluralism in osteopathic manual medicine, Beuckels’ interests are situated within the panorama of osteopathic diagnostic models and related osteosophical conceptualisations and medical theories, that might underpin the clinical observations of resonance and causality interactions of osteopathic ontogenesis.