Doru-Beniamin Bodea, PhD

Doru-Beniamin Bodea graduated the Faculty of Physics, Babeş -Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, achieving a master of science degree in quantum field theory. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics, more precisely in collision theory (atomic and nuclear physics). He did his post-doctoral studies in Bordeaux University and Max Plank Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden where he specialized in the physics of very low temperatures and quantum phase transitions. He started yoga practice in his early 20’s. Soon after he became a yoga teacher and continued to teach yoga since now more than 25 years, holding international workshops and retreats.

Due to this, he had the possibility to combine the constant interest towards understanding the principles and laws governing the physics of the universe with a continuous exploration of his own inner universe through the practice of yoga. He believes that both science and spirituality represent expressions of the innate human tendency towards achieving perfection and thus he is aiming to find modalities to interconnect these two important areas of life. 

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