Răzvan Rotaru

Răzvan Rotaru is a practitioner who has deepend the ancient traditional Indian science of yoga, being a yoga teacher in Romania, with over 30 years of experience in the study and research of various branches of the complex system of Eastern spirituality.

With a background in  engineering, he gave up a successful managerial career in a multinational company to devote himself entirely to the practice and study of spirituality. He has studied and practiced in several fields related to spirituality such as astrology, enneagram, alchemy, Yumeiho (Japanese osteopraxy), transgenerational psychology, structuring a broad, complex vision that has resulted in a deep validation and understanding of the links between traditional Eastern spirituality and modern science.

He has chosen to share from this experience in several workshops, conferences, radio shows especially on the topics of yoga, Tantra Yoga, masculinity and traditional Eastern spirituality.