Octav Fercheluc, PhD

Octav Fercheluc graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bucharest, Romania, where he also obtained his PhD in Applied Mathematics. He attended and completed specialized studies at several universities in Sweden, Italy and Spain. He has worked as a research scientist in applied sciences, as a professor of probability, statistics and operations research at several universities in Romania. He has published numerous scientific articles in various prestigious journals worldwide.

He has been a practitioner of the yoga system since his student years and is currently a teacher of integral yoga, traditional Tantra Yoga, meditation, and a lecturer of Ayurveda. Fascinated by the practical results of combining science and spirituality, he has turned his life into a “spiritual science experiment”, applying, testing and verifying the effectiveness of yoga practice in transforming the human being at the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual levels. His unique approach to spirituality, in a lively, practical and accessible way, deeply rooted in current scientific knowledge, continues and expands the spirit of traditional yoga teaching in Latin America.

For more than 12 years he has been the founder and coordinator of the Ananda Traditional Yoga Academy of Uruguay, based in Montevideo. He is the initiator and coordinator of a community yoga project, which has been very successfully integrated into the academic and social environment of Uruguay. In the framework of this community yoga project, he has organized several editions of the Scientific Yoga Symposium, bringing together yoga teachers and instructors from Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, etc. He has carried out highly successful projects on the role of yoga practice in reducing social crime, the results of which have been the subject of several articles he has subsequently published. He has produced and continues to produce several radio programmes on yoga and spirituality in Uruguay and Argentina.

More information on yogauy.net/