Mirela Chiroiu, MD

Mirela Chiroiu, a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila of Bucharest, obtained a specialist diploma in Psychiatry from the Faculty of Medicine Henry Poincaré in Nancy and a master’s degree in Sexology (University “Paris 13”) with a scientific paper entitled “La continence sexuelle”.

Passionate about the knowledge of human psychology, she is certified as an existential analytic psychotherapist, cognitive-behavioural therapist and neuroscientist. Practicing yoga since college, she aims to combine medical sciences, psychology and spirituality, introducing in the field of clinical practice techniques of self-awareness, relaxation, sophrology, and nowadays the results of research on psychotrauma and the effects of stress on the human brain.

She is a member of the “Société de Analyse Bioenergetique France Sud”, being in her 2nd year of training in this integrative therapy, initiated by W. Reich and A. Lowen. She became a yoga and tantra teacher and holds courses and internships in Avignon.

Mirela is convinced that the role of the physician today is to reintegrate the body/spirit unity as an inseparable whole into his or her practice.