Kalas Ananda

Kalas Ananda is passionate about the journey of self-discovery through the study and conscious practice of Integral Esoteric Yoga, Esoteric Tantra Yoga and meditation. From a young age, she has been fascinated with finding out what the essence and purpose of being alive is, as well as with how she can learn, grow and evolve, embodying her full potential in all areas of life.

For the last 7 years, she has been applying authentic yoga methods into her daily life, manifesting a fiery enthusiasm and intense curiosity which characterise her, and attentively validating its results.

Having a very accessible “down-to-earth” approach, while keeping the integrity of esoteric teachings, Kalas is teaching weekly classes of Esoteric Tantra Yoga in Lisbon, Portugal, and is sharing her own direct experience through events, workshops, mini-courses and retreats, around the world.