Ion Marin

Ion Marin is a yoga instructor and a System Engineer in the IT field. He has over 35 years of experience in yoga practice and over 25 years as a yoga instructor. At the age of 18, he discovered yoga in a book and started practising the asanas and pranayama procedures presented in it. At the age of 20, he joined the classes of MISA Yoga School to deepen this spiritual path.

He was then able to heal some of his ailments and illnesses through the practice of yoga. He is now 55 years old and a healthy man.

 He began studying Ayurveda in parallel, and over the years has won several prizes and mentions in various both yoga and Ayurveda competitions.

At the age of 30, he became a yoga instructor, and at 32 he started working as an ayurveda lecturer for AMN Romania. At the age of 27, he made his first contact with Kashmir Shaivism Tantra, and has since then pursued this path of spiritual evolution. He attended the intensive training courses for Tantra instructors of the Atman International Federation, being presented with a tantra instructor diploma. He has taught tantra for 2 years.

His spiritual practice has led him to acquire the ability to transform his inner states at will, starting from a lower level to higher and higher – ecstatic – levels. He confesses that this is easily possible for him, especially if he systematically carries out the techniques and methods  which he has assimilated over the years in the courses he has attended so far in this school (MISA), and which he wishes to continue attending.

He is currently seeking to understand the links between the discoveries made in various modern scientific branches and the revelations that have been made over the years on certain authentic spiritual paths, among which Yoga, Ayurveda and Tantra have a central place.