Gregorian Bivolaru

For more than 50 years, Eminent Yoga Teacher Gregorian Bivolaru has been working tirelessly to guide all those who aspire to discover and know God. Throughout this time, he has disturbed some with his revelations and actions, has inspired others, and has never ceased to guide those who thirst for spirituality, who have carefully and persistently put his teachings into practice, on the path to perfection, with great modesty and a permanent state of godly channel.

Many of the revelations he made in the MISA School of Integral Esoteric Yoga – among which the Law of Occult Resonance and the mystery of Godly Attributes – are unique on this planet and enable persevering aspirants to achieve extraordinary efficiency in spiritual practice and attain peak spiritual realizations.

He has authored or co-authored over 100 books that offer an integrative perspective and guide us towards a holistic view of the human being and a life in the quest for perfection.