Andrei Gămulea

Andrei Gămulea is a specialist and connoisseur of the ancient traditional Indian science of Ayurveda, lecturer of Ayurveda, author of specialized books, author of thematic courses of Ayurveda studied in Romania, editor and publisher in the field of traditional oriental knowledge and trainer with an experience of over 30 years of study and research in the field of traditional Ayurveda in Romania.

With a background as a mathematician and a specialist in operational research and factor analysis, he has carried out extensive interdisciplinary research in specific areas of knowledge of the Ayurvedic tradition.

A yoga practitioner and yoga instructor with extensive experience, he is the author of various lectures that enhance interdisciplinary research and is a promoter of valuable concepts of the Eastern tradition and the ancient science of cognitronics.

He lectureed both in Romania and at international events on Ayurveda and Yoga. In his interdisciplinary research work he has redefined many of the traditional concepts of traditional Eastern thought from the perspective of modern knowledge in mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, psychology and sociology.