Adina Stoian

Adina Stoian is a yoga and tantra teacher with a vast theoretical and practical experience in the field of genuine spiritual transformation. Passionate about self-knowledge and the transformation necessary to fulfill her aspiration to perfection, Adina is first and foremost a practitioner who applies with dedication the spiritual knowledge and methods that she has been generously sharing for over 25 years through articles and books, courses, seminars, conferences and camps, both in Romania and in other countries in Europe, Asia, South America.

Together with her beloved husband, Advaitananda, and under the guidance of her spiritual guide, yoga teacher emeritus Gregorian Bivolaru, Adina has devoted her life to promote the wisdom of Esoteric Tantra Yoga. Through her work and practice, she explores a variety of domains such as: human existence and transformation, the couple relationship, spiritual evolution, the role of women in Tantra and the importance of spirituality to our modern world.

Exploring the Eastern tradition with a modern, solution-oriented approach dedicated to the challenges of everyday life, Adina together with her husband Advaitananda – are co-authors of the Esoteric Tantric Yoga course taught within the International Federation of Yoga and Meditation Atman in over 30 countries around the world.