The VI. International Congress for Yoga, Integrative Medicine and Therapies will take place in Berlin, 30 November – 2 December 2018. The congress theme will be: Yoga and Resonance – From Personal Development to Universal Consciousness. The International Congress for Yoga, Integrative Medicine and Therapies is organised by ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation. Simultaneous translation into German will be provided for all plenary presentations and parallel sessions.

Yoga has spread throughout the modern world, taking an amazing variety of forms, trends and styles. As a millennial tradition, Yoga has something to offer to everyone – from physical, mental and emotional balance, to climbing the peaks of spiritual realization. Through the brave pioneering work of still a few researchers in the field of medicine, neurosciences, psychology and sociology, it got recognized as a valuable system offering prevention and treatment for a variety of diseases, being especially useful for improving welfare states and moreover as a helpful social phenomenon. When, co-sponsored by more than 170 Member States, the United Nations adopted a resolution to commemorate the International Day of Yoga in 2014, many hopeful statements were given by the world politics also on the positive influence Yoga can bring to the effort towards a global peace.

Yoga embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, it can help us deal with climate change and more.

Narendra Modi

Also other fields of research such as Philosophy, Science of Religion and modern Physics find more and more common grounds to share when they unite around the vast knowledge provided by the Yoga system, together with the rediscovery of old truths in their present studies. To address this common ground, ATMAN – The International Federation of Yoga and Meditation, has launched a biennial Congress on Yoga, Science and Spirituality.

About the subject in 2018: Yoga and Resonance – from personal Development to universal all-embracing Consciousness

This year’s congress aims to take under scrutiny a concept, which is both ancient and very modern – the resonance phenomenon. It will also look deeply into its connection to the millennial yoga system as well as to different holistic approaches to the problems of spiritual evolution and of achieving and maintaining a state of well-being. Seen in the last two centuries as belonging only to the realm of physics and applied sciences, the principle of resonance started lately to be recognized as an important mechanism in many other areas of life. From the famous „hundred monkey experiment”, then morphic fields and A fields, to the newest views upon the sociology of the good life, we find it indicated as a practical key for understanding and as a main operating tool. With the words of Professor Hartmut Rosa: „If acceleration is the problem, then perhaps resonance is the solution”.

The same concept of resonance proves to be extremely useful for the effort to adapt and to actualize the ancient spiritual systems (like yoga, ayurveda, taoism, alchemy and so on) to our contemporary way of thinking and feeling. We consider this effort extremely important, especially as due to the high complexity and profoundness of such systems, we witness nowadays many tendencies to drastically simplify and to make them easy to sell, entirely losing their original spirit.